Analysing carmarket data
June 25, 2022
In this post we are doing some analysis with the data from carforyou. I’m also scraping autoscout and if you are interested in some specific analysis, you can contact me. The analysis should mainly show what can be done with the data and are not in all cases meaningful.
In the plot below you see the top most common vehicles on the platform.
This visualization shows the models with the longest time on the platform.
The distribution of the prices is shown in the histogram below.
Comparison of specific dealerships
To show some possible comparsions we chose two dealerships, Imholz Autohaus in Cham and Autohaus Imholz in Ebikon.
First we compare how many vehicles they have on the platform per brand.
Now we do the same but this time per model.
With the boxplot visualization below we can compare the price ranges per brand for the two dealerships.
The following histogram shows a general comparsion of the prices between the two dealerships.
Let’s visualise the discount ranges per brand.
Next you can see the ranges in terms of the time on the platform.
We can also compare how many cars they have per cartype.
It is also possible to do some comparisons for multiple dealers in a region.
On the map below you can see the number of vehicles that are online per canton.
In this post we have done some quick analysis and have seen that with data from carforyou or autoscout, you can get a lot of insights. It would be also possible to do some region based analysis or implement a system, which send some price alerts based on the comparsion with the competitors. There is a big potential for different analysis and applications.